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Personal Rates

Savings Accounts

Personal Deposit Rates

0 Account Type Rate APY(1) Min. Deposit To Open
1 Select Savings Account 0.90% 0.90% $25
2 Money Market 2.00% 2.01% $250
3 Steady Save Savings Account 0.90% 0.90% $1
4 NextGen Savings Account 1.40% 1.40% $25
5 YoungStar Savings Account 1.40% 1.40% $25

Effective Date: 06/27/2024

1 APY: Annual Percentage Yield

2 Dividend rate applies to accounts with minimum opening deposit of $25 and minimum account balance of $1. Dividends are compounded daily and paid monthly. Funds may be used as collateral for lending. 

3 APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum opening balance is $250. APY of 2.01% is paid on balances of $250 or above. Dividends are compounded daily and paid monthly when balance requirement is equal to or greater than $250. A $2 monthly maintenance fee is charged when account balance drops below $250. See our Truth-in-Savings Disclosure for more information at civicfcu.org/disclosures.



Checking Accounts

Personal Deposit Rates

0 Account Type Rate APY (1) Min. Deposit To Open
1 Bonus Checking Account (Qualified) 0.50% 0.50% $5
2 Bonus Checking Account (Unqualified) 0.15% 0.15% $5
3 NextGen Checking Account 0.15% 0.15% $5

Effective Date: 10/17/2023

1 APY: Annual Percentage Yield

2 0.50% APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Dividend rate applies to member accounts incurring 20 debit card purchases per month, excluding ATM withdrawals and automatic account drafts. Purchases and/or transactions may take up to two business days from transaction date to post to the account. Upon qualifying, APY of 0.50% will be applied to your average daily account balance during the following month up to $10,000. Balances in excess of $10,000 will earn dividends at the current available rate. Minimum opening deposit for the Civic Bonus Checking Account is $5. For members making less than 20 qualified purchases per month, dividend rate is 0.15%.

3 Dividend rate applies to accounts with a minimum balance of $5. Dividends are compounded daily and paid monthly.



Choice Certificates

Personal Deposit Rates

0 Account Type Rate APY (1) Term Min. Deposit To Open
1 Choice Certificate Rates and terms vary based on Certificate chosen $250
2 Choice Certificate 6 4.25% 4.33% 6-11 months $250
3 Choice Certificate 18 4.70% 4.80% 12-18 months $250
4 Choice Certificate 24 4.35% 4.44% 19-24 months $250
5 Choice Certificate 36 3.60% 3.66% 25-36 months $250
6 Choice Certificate 48 3.70% 3.76% 37-48 months $250
7 Choice Certificate 60 3.80% 3.87% 49-60 months $250

Effective Date: 01/21/2025

Dividend Rates Information
1 APY: Annual Percentage Yield

Minimum opening deposit is $250. Civic Choice certificates are fixed-rate accounts.. Dividends are compounded monthly and paid monthly. Dividends may be disbursed at maturity or rolled back into the certificate account. Funds may be used as collateral for a Civic loan. Dividend rates are subject to change daily at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Dividend rates on shares have been set subject to the availability of funds. Dividends are paid from current income and available earnings, after required transfers to reserves at the end of a dividend period. Depending on options chosen, most accounts have modest service charges that could reduce net earnings. There is a penalty for early withdrawal from certificates. The dividends on all accounts except certificates are variable and may change at preset intervals after the account is opened. All depository services compound dividends daily, except Share Term Certificates. Initial/opening rates are subject to change without notice. 



Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA)

Personal Investment Rates

0 Account Type Rate APY (1) Min. Deposit To Open
1 Roth IRA 2.20% 2.22% $25
2 SEP IRA 2.20% 2.22% $25
3 Traditional IRA 2.20% 2.22% $25

Effective Date: 06/27/2024

1 APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate may be subject to change daily at the discretion of the Board of Directors. A service fee of $1 will be charged each month the balance is below $25 at statement date. Fees could reduce the balance on the account.



Health Savings Account

Personal Deposit Rates

0 Account Type Rate APY (1)
1 Health Savings Account (HSA) 3.10% 3.14%

Effective Date: 11/14/2024

1 APY = Annual Percentage Yield.

Credit Cards

Personal Loan Rates

0 Account Type APR (1)
1 Rewards Credit Card As low as 13.75%
2 Secured Credit Card As low as 13.75%
3 Classic Credit Card As low as 11.00%

Effective Date: 03/02/2025

1 APR: Annual Percentage Rate

Rates and credit limit are evaluated based on member’s credit history; rates are subject to change without notice. 



Personal Loans

Personal Loan Rates

0 Account Type APR (1)
1 Personal Loan As low as 9.25%
2 Personal Line of Credit As low as 11.00%
3 Emergency Loan As low as 14.00%

Effective Date: 12/30/2024

1 APR = Annual Percentage Rate.

Rates and credit limit are evaluated based on member’s credit history. 



Vehicle Loans

Personal Loan Rates

0 Loan Type APR (1) Term
1 New Auto As low as 6.50% Up to 60 months
2 New Auto As low as 6.75% 61-72 months
3 New Auto As low as 7.25% 73-84 months
4 New Auto As low as 8.25% 85-96 months
5 Used Auto As low as 8.25% Up to 60 months
6 Used Auto As low as 8.50% 61-72 months
7 Used Auto As low as 8.75% 73-84 months

Effective Date: 11/14/2024

1 APR = Annual Percentage Rate.

Rates are evaluated based on member's credit history. Rates are subject to change without notice. 




Personal Loan Rates

0 Account Type APR (1)
1 Home Equity Line of Credit (Traditional) As low as 7.50%
2 Home Equity Line of Credit (Interest-only) As low as 8.00%

Effective Date: 12/30/2024

1 APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Subject to approval. The minimum APR for a Traditional or Interest-Only Civic Federal Credit Union Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) is variable during the draw period and is 7.50% or the Prime Rate as published in the Wall Street Journal, ten days before the end of the prior month (called the "Index"), plus a margin. The margin for Interest-Only HELOC starts at 1% APR. Your margin will be determined by several factors including but not limited to your credit qualifications, combined loan-to-value and loan amount. The maximum APR for a HELOC is 18%. Rates are subject to change daily. Civic membership must be established prior to scheduled closing. No purchase money seconds. Adequate property and flood insurance are required for the life of the loan. The minimum loan amount for a HELOC is $5,000. If your loan requires an appraisal, title insurance, or attorney fees, they must be paid at the borrower’s expense. Fees range from $700 to $4,000.

Rates are evaluated based on member's credit history. Rates are subject to change without notice. All applicants must meet underwriting criteria. Loan or line amount may be up to 90% less the amount owed on outstanding mortgages, if any. 



Business Rates

Share Accounts

Business Deposit Rates

0 Account Type Rate APY (1) Min. Deposit to Open
1 Business Savings Account (2) 0.25% 0.25% $25
2 Business Money Market Account (3) 2.75% 2.76% $500
3 Civic Nonprofit Money Market (4) 3.00% 3.01% $500

Effective Date: 06/07/2023

1 APY: Annual Percentage Yield
2 Dividend rate applies to accounts with minimum account balance of $1. Dividends are compounded daily and paid monthly.
3 Minimum opening balance is $500. Annual Percentage Yield of 2.76% is paid on balances of $500 or above. For balances that fall below the minimum balance requirement, the APY is 0.00%. Dividends are compounded daily and paid monthly. Funds may be used as overdraft coverage for Civic Business Checking Accounts. Dividend rates subject to change at the discretion of the Board of Directors. See our Truth-in-Savings Disclosure for more information at civicfcu.org/disclosures.
4 APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum opening balance is $500. APY of 3.01% is paid on balances of $500 or above. Dividends are compounded daily and paid monthly when balance requirement is equal to or greater than $500. Dividend rates are subject to change at any time. Membership required.



Checking Accounts

Business Deposit Rates

0 Account Type Rate APY (1) Min. Deposit To Open
1 Business Checking Account 0.15% 0.15% $5
2 Nonprofit Checking Account 0.15% 0.15% $5

Effective Date: 03/07/2019

1 APY: Annual Percentage Yield



Business Choice Certificates

Business Deposit Rates

0 Account Type Rate APY (1) Term Min. Deposit To Open
1 Business Choice Certificate (2) Rates and terms vary based on Certificate chosen $500
2 Business Choice Certificate 6 4.25% 4.33% 6-11 months $500
3 Business Choice Certificate 18 4.70% 4.80% 12-18 months $500
4 Business Choice Certificate 24 4.35% 4.43% 19-24 months $500
5 Business Choice Certificate 36 3.60% 3.66% 25-36 months $500
6 Business Choice Certificate 48 3.70% 3.76% 37-48 months $500
7 Business Choice Certificate 60 3.80% 3.86% 49-60 months $500

Effective Date: 10/03/2023

Dividend Rates Information
1 APY = Annual Percentage Yield.
2 Minimum opening deposit is $500. Civic Choice Certificates are fixed-rate accounts. Dividends are compounded monthly and paid monthly. Dividends may be disbursed at maturity monthly or rolled back into the certificate account. Funds may be used as collateral for lending. Dividend rates for new Civic Choice Certificates are subject to change daily at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Within the first 90 days of opening your Civic Business Choice Certificate, Civic has the ability to restrict or prohibit withdrawals from your account. Penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.