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Choice Certificates
Boost your savings on your terms. Choice Certificates give you a fixed, high-yield interest rate for predictable growth.

Get high interest deposit rates for predictable growth
Choice Certificates help you save with a higher savings rate than a traditional savings or money market account. Banks call them certificates of deposit or CDs. To us, they are Choice Certificates because the stable growth is based on your choices.
The high certificate rate is based on the time period you select, between 6 and 60 months to boost your savings (and not use the money). Then, make a one-time deposit to lock in the rate and watch your money grow! Reinvest your dividends, or take monthly dividend payouts.

Choose for yourself
- $250 minimum opening as a one-time deposit¹
- Fixed rates, yields based on selected term¹
- 6- to 60-month terms
- Early withdrawal penalty applies¹
Plan your savings
- Dividends compound monthly¹
- Auto renew for same certificate term or move funds to another account at term’s end
- Choose to reinvest dividends or take monthly payouts
- Use as collateral for a Civic loan¹
Choice Certificate rates
0 | Choice Certificate | Dividend rate | APY | Term | Min. deposit to open |
1 | Choice Certificate 6 | 4.25% | 4.33% | 6-11 months | $250 |
2 | Choice Certificate 18 | 4.70% | 4.80% | 12-18 months | $250 |
3 | Choice Certificate 24 | 4.35% | 4.44% | 19-24 months | $250 |
4 | Choice Certificate 36 | 3.60% | 3.66% | 25-36 months | $250 |
5 | Choice Certificate 48 | 3.70% | 3.76% | 37-48 months | $250 |
6 | Choice Certificate 60 | 3.80% | 3.87% | 49-60 months | $250 |
Rates and terms vary based on Certificate chosen. | APY = Annual Percentage Yield | Effective Date: 01/21/2025
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Here are a few FAQs
What is the early withdrawal penalty?
The early withdrawal penalty for Civic Choice Certificates uses dividend funds and is calculated based on the term of your account. Here is how we calculate early withdrawal penalties:
- Terms of 6 to 11 months = 90 days dividends or all dividends earned, whichever is less
- Terms of 12 to 60 months = 180 days dividends or all dividends earned, whichever is less
The early penalty withdrawal applies to all Civic Choice Certificates.
Are there any exceptions to the penalty?
Civic Choice Certificates have customizable terms that provide you with flexible planning. Our team recognizes that extenuating circumstances do happen. If you are a member with an account and need to communicate a circumstance to us, please contact the Experience Center for more information.
What's the difference between a Choice Certificate and a CD?
There's just one basic difference: Credit unions and banks call the same product different names. Share Term Certificates (like our Choice Certificate) are how credit unions say it. Certificates of Deposit, or CDs, are what banks say.
Are dividends the same as interest?
Credit unions refer to the money earned by deposit accounts as dividends. Other financial institutions commonly call this money interest. The IRS views dividends the same as interest.
How can I put money into a Choice Certificate?
If you’re opening your account with up to $1,000, it’s easiest to fund it by using your debit card. You can also electronically transfer funds from another online account securely, and authenticated within a few business days. . Or use mobile check deposit in the Civic app to fund your account. (You can even mail a paper check to Civic.)
Boost your savings with a high rate Choice Certificate
Lock in a high rate to save more than a traditional savings account can offer. Find the best deposit rates for predictable growth.
1 APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum opening deposit is $250. Civic Choice Certificates are fixed-rate accounts. Dividends are compounded monthly, paid monthly and may be disbursed at maturity or rolled back into the certificate account. Funds may be used as collateral for lending. Applicable fees could reduce balance on account. Dividend rates for new Civic Choice Certificates are subject to change daily at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Within the first 90 days of opening your Civic Choice Certificate, Civic has the ability to restrict or prohibit withdrawals from your account, except as required by law. Penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal.
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