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New Auto Loan

Drive it home with a low auto loan interest rate 

A couple happily celebrating their new car purchase, financed with Civic new auto loan.
Civic icon graphic, signing a check.

Auto loan rates as low as 6.50% APR¹

Calendar icon

New vehicle loan terms up to 96 months

Civic icon graphic of a receipt.
Early payoff

Do it with no penalty fees, just applause

Get the best auto loan for you

Your vehicle financing can be as unique as you are! A new auto loan can help to spread your payments out over time — up to 8 years. When it’s done right, your vehicle loan can meet your unique needs and help keep your payments affordable. The process is smooth and easy. You can make payments with the Civic app and have optional GAP+ insurance available for your peace of mind.

With Civic, you might love your new auto loan as much as your new car! 

A first-time car owner financed by the Civic auto loan, happily driving off the lot.


Make your new auto loan work for you

  • Vehicle rates as low as 6.50% APR¹
  • Finance dealer purchases up to 96 months (8 years)
  • Maximum mileage for new vehicles is 10,000
  • Collision and comprehensive insurance are required for the duration of the new car loan


Fast and easy new vehicle financing

  • Quick and easy pre-approvals
  • Apply for a new auto loan or refinance an existing one
  • No pre-payment penalties, just applause
  • Optional GAP+ insurance for peace of mind

The best auto loan (for you) does exist!

Get the new auto loan you’ll love

New Auto Loan


0 Term APR1 Vehicle Age Mileage
1 Up to 60 months As low as 6.50%1 Up to 1 year Up to 10,000 miles
2 61-72 months As low as 6.75%1 Up to 1 year Up to 10,000 miles
3 73-84 months As low as 7.25%1 Up to 1 year Up to 10,000 miles
4 85-96 months As low as 8.25%1 Up to 1 year Up to 10,000 miles

Effective Date: 11/14/2024

How much vehicle financing can you afford?

Know before you go! Test drive how a new auto loan or refinance could impact your budget. Find out how much vehicle you can afford and what your monthly payment could be.


*The Auto Loan Calculator is provided for informational purposes only. Taxes and charges are not included in your estimated amount. Final finance amount may be different.

More to explore

We think this could be helpful too

Smiling man sitting behind the wheel of a car, symbolizing ease and satisfaction with a Civic used auto loan.

Used Auto Loan

Make your next used vehicle loan as affordable as possible with low rates, flexible payment options and up to 7 years to pay off the loan. 

  • Flexible used vehicle financing up to 84 months (7 years)
  • Used auto loan rates as low as 8.25% APR¹ 
  • Easy loan application, fast approvals
  • No pre-payment penalties
An older couple travels across the country in their RV, thanks to their Civic Personal Loan.

Personal Loan

The Personal Loan gives you fast approval for a lump-sum deposit into your Select Savings or Bonus Checking Account. Break large expenses into affordable payments or consolidate high-interest debt with a lower rate.

  • Fixed principal and interest payments 
  • Term lengths from 12 to 60 months 
  • No origination or application fees
You know the details matter (and you are in good company)

Here are a few FAQs

Can I refinance my car loan from another lender?

Yes, you can. Civic would pay off your external lender, and you would begin making payments to Civic.

How long does my pre-approval last?

Pre-approvals are good for 30 days.

What do I do if I’m at the dealership?

Apply online at civicfcu.org OR Contact us at 1-844-772-4842. The Experience Center is available 24/7, including holidays. If you’ve been approved, we will work with you and/or your dealer to complete your financing.

What if I’ve been approved by another lender?

Even if you have been approved by another lender, you can still apply and be approved by Civic.

Do I have to make a down payment?

Civic only requires down payments if there are LTV (loan-to-value) issues or, sometimes, if there are credit issues.

What if I need to increase my pre-approval amount?

Contact us at 1-844-772-4842 or email us at lending@civicfcu.org.

Where do I send my Civic loan payments?

Whether you mail your loan payments to us directly, or use an external bill paying service, the payment address is: 
Civic Credit Union 
PO Box 71204 
Charlotte, NC 28272 

This address is for payments to Civic Personal Loans, Auto Loans, Personal Lines of Credit, and Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs). 

Please note: This address is not for Civic credit card or mortgage payments, or for any commercial loans you may have with us.

View All FAQs

Apply now for an affordable, new auto loan or to refinance a vehicle

Your future self will thank you for finding the best car loan rate, built for you

1 APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Subject to approval; for dealer purchases only. Rates and credit limit based on member’s credit history. Borrowers must be at least 18 years old and live in NC, SC, GA, or VA. Vehicles with branded (flooded, salvaged or reconstructed) titles or motorcycles, boats, RVs and commercial vehicles are not acceptable collateral. A new vehicle is defined as than 1 year old with maximum of 10,000 miles at loan origination; vehicle value based on MSRP. For 96-month term, minimum new auto loan is $50,000; maximum loan is $100,000. Civic will finance 100% of the NADA value, plus an additional 10% to cover purchase-related expenses such as tax, tags and extended warranties. Collision and comprehensive insurance are required for duration of loan. Payment example, excluding insurance: