Inspiration Celebration 2024
Civic Inspiration Celebration
It was great to see you at this year's Inspiration Celebration, where we celebrated our inspiring Foundation scholarship and grant recipients, along with our amazing credit union volunteers and steadfast local government partners.
Do you see yourself in any of these candids? You were looking great!
Catch a glimpse of the evening's events through our photo gallery.
See the fun and glamour of our photo booth participants.
Foundation scholarship recipients
We celebrated all our 2024 scholarship recipients, from high school seniors awarded college scholarships to members of local government attending professional development programs at UNC and NC State.
Watch the story of Shreya Karumuri, our Student Scholarship Recipient of the Year.
Foundation grant recipients
We recognized our past grant recipients and named Tiny House Community Development the Grant Recipient of the Year. This organization supports individuals experiencing homelessness and employs these community members to build tiny homes in the Greensboro area.

Credit Union volunteers and partners
We celebrated our many credit union volunteers, and named David Huffman the Advisory Council Member of the Year. We also recognized our dedicated partners. These people and organizations help the credit union and the Foundation fulfill their missions.

Learn more about Civic Local Foundation to see the power of neighbors helping neighbors.