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2023 CEO Report

Dwayne Naylor
Dwayne Naylor

CEO Report

To all Civic members, 
We are more excited than ever about the future of your credit union, and it is with that excitement I bring you the 2023 CEO Report for Civic. It is among my highest privileges to serve such a committed and selfless membership — the local government employees and their families who make North Carolina great. Thank you for all you do and for your membership in your credit union.

At Civic, our Board has set the foundational principles that govern our business decisions and ground us in service, which are driven by our “triple bottom line” approach. Our measure of success is not just money — it’s People, Planet, and Prosperity.

We focus on all the people who contribute to the success of our cooperative, including our members, volunteers, partners and staff, inviting all voices to be heard. Our dedication to the planet means working to lessen our environmental impact, learning from our members and following the lead of our local governments. And our focus on prosperity is about working to help all who touch our organization.

Since launching Civic with your support in November 2018, we have been building together with you. In 2023, we celebrated our first five years of serving more than 7,000 members in communities across our state, putting us among the fastest-growing financial institutions in the nation.

What’s most exciting to me is that this growth and success comes by focusing on our membership — you. At Civic, your voice matters. Our products, services and technologies are built in direct response to what we hear from our members. In 2023, this included record-setting deposit rates that were among the highest in the nation; increased high-tech security for your accounts; mortgage products; and updates to your mobile and online banking experiences.

This past year we also increased our staff, so you continue to receive exceptional service and prompt, undivided attention. Every day we work to make things better, do things faster, and provide services to you cheaper — putting money back in your pocket.

Better means giving you more options to get your money: through Civic technology, use of any ATM with your fees reimbursed, and by offering multiple ways to connect with our Experience Center staff, in the way you want to connect — phone, chat, video, and text. We will open 11 Civic branches around the state in 2024, and are creating co-locations within local government buildings so that you can connect with us in person across the state.

We are committed to responding faster to your needs and requests. When you asked for more hands-on connections, we hosted dozens of town hall-style events across the state in 2023, to meet with you face to face. When you asked for better rates, we responded with amazing returns on deposit products that beat the competition.

Our commitment to cheaper means we make business decisions designed to increase profits for your household, because when we save money, you make money. And even as we invest in the big, bold future of your credit union, we know that ultimately means providing better experiences for our members.

Together, we’re creating a bright, bold future for North Carolina. Always local. All ways.

Dwayne Naylor 
President and CEO