Having access to a credit report can make the difference in getting a loan, or even knowing if you have been a victim of fraud. Great news: you can safely and easily get your free credit report at annualcreditreport.com, a partnership between the three major credit reporting agencies authorized by federal law. You have the right to receive a free credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus — Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.
You are also entitled to a free copy of your credit report if:
- You have been turned down for a loan
- You are a victim of identity theft
- You are unemployed and job hunting
The annualcreditreport.com site makes it easy; all you need to do is complete a request form, choose which reports you want, and verify your information for security.
You can also access copies of your report through the Experian, myTransUnion or Equifax Lock & Alert mobile apps.
What other ways can I get a free copy of my credit report?
Call annualcreditreport.com at 877-322-8228 to request a paper copy of your report. You will need to provide your name, address, Social Security number and date of birth to verify your identity.
Or you can call each credit reporting agency directly:
● Equifax: 800-525-6285
● Experian: 888-397-3742
● TransUnion: 800-680-7289
A free copy of your credit report is also available by mail. Simply download and complete the Annual Credit Report Request Form then mail it to: Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281.
The free credit reports from the three major credit bureaus don’t include credit scores, so keep up with your score with myScore+ in the Civic app!