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Credit Builder Loan

Credit Builder Loan North Carolina
Credit Builder Loan

Rewrite Your Credit Story

Your new chapter starts here


Choose an amount


Make on-time payments


Establish credit and savings

What is a Credit Builder Loan and How Does it Work?

Whether you're getting a first-time loan to build your credit or searching for options to rebuild your credit, a Credit Builder Loan may be the option for you. One of the biggest impacts on your credit score is your payment history which is reported to the credit bureaus.

Here's how our Credit Builder Loan works:

  • We'll pre-fund your Select Savings Account with an amount between $500 - $2,000. You choose the amount that is right for you and your credit score needs.
  • As you make on-time payments, we will report your positive payment activity to the Equifax and TransUnion credit bureaus.
  • Once the loan is paid off, you'll have improved your credit standing and jumpstarted your personal savings.
What is a Credit Builder Loan?

Choose your starting point

  • Everyone is approved1
  • Select $500 - $1,000 (max of 12 months); or $1,001 - $2,000 (max of 24 months)
  • Applications processed in 1-2 business days
Secured Loan to Build Credit

Move forward with confidence

  • Fixed monthly payments
  • Positive activity reported to credit bureaus
  • Earn dividends from Select Savings Account balance
Credit Builder Loan Online

Reach your goals

  • Build positive credit payment history2
  • Jumpstart savings
  • Improve your credit score
Build Your Credit Loans

Your savings goal may be big or it may be small. Either way, it’s your goal. And the Select Savings Account can help you get there.

Select Savings

Stash your cash, reach your goals

  • High dividend yields
  • Goal tracking
  • Establishes Civic membership
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Decide if a credit builder loan is right for your credit needs

Frequently asked questions about our Credit Builder Loan

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1 Subject to approval. Borrowers must be at least 18 years old and live in NC, SC, GA, or VA.

2 Results are not guaranteed. Improvement in your credit score is dependent on your specific situation and financial behavior. Failure to make monthly minimum payments on this and other loans by the payment due date each month may result in delinquent payment reporting to credit bureaus which may negatively impact your credit score. This product will not remove negative credit history from your credit report.